Saturday, 24 November 2012

Apsley ON News Update November 24, 2012

It seems winter may have arrived in Apsley ON.  Snow flurries are in the air and there is a cold wind coming from the northwest this morning.  In between that the sun continues to shine through.  The current temperature is minus 3 Celsius and the forecast calls for a low of minus 8 Celsius tonight.  Above zero temperatures are not forecast until Monday and even then the prediction is only plus 2 Celsius.

In town today, the Christmas Gift Bazaar is being held at the Apsley Legion.  There seems to be a steady stream of folks stopping by to see what the local artisans have to offer this year.

Stop by and see what is available today and tomorrow.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Cottage and Capital Gains Tax

Canada Revenue Agency allows for tax free capital appreciation on one principal residence.

This is a particular concern for those that own more than one property such as a home in the city and a second residence or cottage in the country.  When one property is sold it is prudent to make a decision on which residence should be declared as the principal residence.

If the value increase of the cottage has outpaced the home it may be better off for the capital gains tax to be paid on the increase in value of the home and there by protect the increase in value on the cottage from possible future taxation even if there are no plans to sell the cottage in the foreseeable future.

Power Outage in Apsley ON

The power went out in Apsley around 9:30 AM this morning.  Rather strange for such a calm and beautiful day.

It was a significant outage for our area with 7,930 customers effected.  No word on what the reason for the outage was but as of 1:30 PM the power was back on.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

22nd Annual Children's Wish Car Rally

Today is the day for the 22nd Annual Children's Wish Car Rally.

From a small group of friends getting together to have fun and raise some money for charity the Car Rally has grown tremendously.  Today we will hold the largest rally in our history with 280 attendees and 75 cars participating.

All 75 cars left the start point by 9:30 AM and are on there way to the mystery destination.  This evening there will be a dinner dance with a silent auction.  Over night accommodation will be at a five star resort in Ontario and a full hot breakfast will be served tomorrow morning.

Most rally participants will head home tomorrow while some people will elect to stay and additional night and enjoy the resorts facilities on Sunday afternoon and evening.

All the best of luck to all of the rally participants! 

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Apsley ON News Update November 7, 2012

It has been a couple of cold but sunny days on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.  Lows both mornings were below -10 Celsius on Chandos Lake.

The hunters are out and this morning just past 8:00 AM a rifle shot could be heard going off.

All of the ponds along Balmer Road had a skim of ice over them.  There was even ice close to shore on Chandos Lake where Antelope Trail runs along side the lake.

Another cold night looks to be in store for us tonight. The forecast calls for cool temperatures again tomorrow before things start to warm up towards the weekend.

Absolutely excellent news was received this afternoon from Delores Wilson the Township of North Kawartha Tax Collector/Deputy Treasurer.

The Common Block Tax Issue in Chandos Lake Estates has been resolved as a result of regulatory changes made by the Province of Ontario.  These changes will take effect for the 2013 taxation year.  Below is a copy of the email received from Delores.

Subject: Common Block Properties

Great News  Everyone!  A Regulation  has been filed dealing with the Common Lands.  Please pass this on to any who may be interested!  We will need some time to come up with a  plan at our end to review what has transpired prior to 2013.


Under the new regulated approach, where a recreational lot in a residential subdivision is owned jointly by multiple residential property owners, the commonly-owned recreational lot will not be given a separate assessed value, but rather, its value will be incorporated into the assessment of the individual residential lots.  This regulation takes effect for the 2013 taxation year.


The regulation is available on e-laws at  It is Ontario Regulation 341/12, amending Ontario Regulation 282/98 under the Assessment Act.

Many thanks to all who worked on this issue over the past several years.  Our efforts have paid off.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Apsley ON News Update November 2, 2012

This morning was the first morning of snow on Chandos Lake and in the town of Apsley ON.

The past week has seen significant weather in the area.  Fortunately there was relatively little damage caused by Hurricane Sandy.  Monday evening and over night into Tuesday saw significant wind which caused some trees to fall and a number of power outages.  These were resolved during the day on Tuesday.

The remainder of the week saw rain each and every day with a dusting of snow falling Thursday into Friday.

The weekend forecast calls for clearer weather but much colder temperatures.  Each day next week is forecast to have overnight lows below freezing.  It should make things feel much more like this time of year and hopefully have some brighter days than we have seen in the last week or so.